Hoodoo Moses
San Martin Caballero (Saint Martin of Tours) Blessed Medal
San Martin Caballero (Saint Martin of Tours) Blessed Medal
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These traditional Saint Martin of Tours (San Martin Caballero ) medals were blessed in prayer for 9 nights, begining on Martinmas '24 (the Feast of Saint Martin).
Saint Martin is a widely venerated folk saint and considered the first saint to be canonized by the church based purely on popular appeal.
It's said he was a Roman soldier on patrol who one day he encountered an old man, shivering in the cold. Imbued with charity, Martin wanted to give the old man his uniform cloak, but he didn't want to steal in order to give and the cloak wasn't technically his. Instead, he drew his sword and cut his cloak in half, giving half to the old man.
That night, he dreamed it was the next day and he was out on patrol again in his half-cloak. In his dream, Martin saw Jesus wearing the other half of his cloak, revealing himself as the true form of the old man. As he passed by, Jesus said "you covered me with your mantle." When Martin awoke, his cloak was restored to its fullness.
Seized with the ecstasy of generosity, Martin deserted the army and became a holy man, distributing charity and working on behalf of those in need, devoting himself to prayer and repentance, holy works and miracles.
Throughout his lifetime, he is credited with performing dozens of miracles, including healing a leper with a kiss, restoring movement to a paralyzed person, raising the dead by prayer and prostration, casting out demons, and healing a sickness by a letter he wrote.
When he was Bishop of Tours, he convinced the people to chop down a pine tree that they'd revered as sacred - they agreed so long as Martin allow himself to be crushed by the falling tree. He laid there to accept his fate and they felled their sacred tree, but through prayer Martin miraculously deferred the path of the massive falling trunk.
Another time, Martin convinced the people to destroy the temple of their pagan worship. In their enthusiasm, the people set fire to the temple, engulfing it. As the conflagration grew, the flames threatened the adjacent houses - Martin prayed and turned back the flames, saving the houses.
After Martin's death in France in the year 397 CE, the community had become so blessed by Martin's miracles and generosity that they continued to petition him to help them in their times of need.
Nowadays, he's commonly petitioned in particular by business owners, shop keepers, by those who travel and transport things for a living, and by households across the world for prosperity and protection.
These medals are suitable for wearing, carrying in a wallet, or hanging on a read cord in the home or vehicle. They're also used to prepare the horseshoe as a prosperity magnet for a business.